

Workshop with actors
Actors read and discuss plays by students in a workshop at The Writer's Center. Pictured from left: Raven Bonniwell, Chris Herring, David Zimmerman and Amy McWilliams.

Playwriting: Introduction

This workshop will introduce basic elements of writing for the stage through exercises, in-class writing prompts, and examples taken from popular and classic plays. Designed for new writers, writers of other genres interested in what makes playwriting different, or for those who have taken one or more one-session presentations of “Elements of Playwriting,” the emphasis will be on getting started, generating new material and developing the vocabulary and strategies for constructive feedback. The goal is to develop a basic understanding of playwriting skills through exploration and experimentation in a safe and playful environment. By the end of this eight-week workshop participants can expect to have completed a draft of a ten minute play, a one-act play, or a collection of scenes.